Price Calculator
Get an instant quotation for Geopyörä Breakage Test:
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Lab Standard - two sets of particles tested at high and low energy settings done in licensed commercial lab.
Lab Light - one set of particles tested at a medium energy setting in licensed commercial lab.
Mine - one or two energy testing at mine site (requires a non commercial license agreement).
Number of Samples to be tested in each test work. Each sample corresponds from 20 to 40 rock particles (approx. 2kg).
Price per sample chart
Licensing Deal
The price for a Geopyörä technology license is €50,000 for a 4-year period. During this time, the licensed laboratory is authorized to commercialize the breakage test to its clients, following the licensor's policies. Licensed mines, however, may only perform in-house testing and are not permitted to commercialize the test to third parties.
The licensed technology includes the delivery of an operational test device, proprietary software access, the testing methodology, and comprehensive staff training.
Commissioning a new license takes approximately 90 days from the signing of the license agreement.
Contact us for more information about licensing opportunities.